SPR Board Update: ABR 15-Month Pathway
An Update from the SPR Board of Directors
The American Board of Radiology (ABR) has approved a 15-Month Pathway to Qualify for ABR Specialty Certification in Diagnostic Radiology and Subspecialty Certification in Pediatric Radiology. The ABR website (accessible here) has been updated to outline the new 15-Month Pathway to Qualify for ABR Specialty Certification in Diagnostic Radiology and Subspecialty Certification in Pediatric Radiology. All questions pertaining to the pathway should be directed to the ABR at information@theabr.org.
Aimed at potentially helping the pediatric radiology workforce shortage, the SPR board appointed the SPR Pediatric Radiology Alternate Training Writing Subgroup, led by Dr. Lane Donnelly and Dr. Michael Gee. The Writing Subgroup was charged with drafting a formal proposal on how a similar pathway for Pediatric Radiology could be modeled after the current Nuclear Radiology model. Efforts resulted in a 15-Month Pathway to Qualify for ABR Specialty Certification in Diagnostic Radiology and Subspecialty Certification in Pediatric Radiology proposal, approved by the SPR Board of Directors and presented to the ABR Board of Governors for consideration – resulting in the announcement outlined above.
The SPR Board of Directors thanks the ABR for its continuous support, collaborative partnership, and willingness to take action in response to the SPR Board of Directors’ requests. The SPR Board of Directors also sends its gratitude to the SPR Pediatric Radiology Alternate Training Writing Subgroup for their expertise and guidance.